第一天的專題演講《數位保存的回顧與前瞻》(Digital Preservation:Where are we now? Where are we going?),講者 Deanna Marcum 博士於 2003 年 8 月 11 日被指定為助理圖書館員/主任,管理 53 個分部、1800 人以上的不同辦公室,負責收藏、目錄、公共服務與保存活動;身障者服務,以及美國國家圖書館網路與書目標準。她也負責整合新數位資源,建造 21 世紀國家數位圖書館。1995 年 Marcum 博士被指派為圖書館資源協會(Council on Library Resources, CLR)理事長,及保存與近用委員會(Commission on Preservation and Access)主席,監督了這兩個協會 1997 年的合併,改名為圖書館與資源協會 (CLIR, Council on Library and Information Resources);Marcum 博士擔任主席到 2003 年為止。在之前1993-1995 她負責美國國會圖書館(Library of Congress)的公共服務與館藏管理、以及美國天主教大學的圖書資訊學院院長。
Deanna Marcum was appointed Associate Librarian for Library Services on August 11, 2003. In this capacity she manages 53 divisions and offices whose over 1,800 employees are responsible for acquisitions, cataloging, public service, and preservation activities, services to the blind and physically handicapped, and network and bibliographic standards for America's national library. She is also responsible for integrating the emerging digital resources into the traditional artifactual library–the first step toward building a national digital library for the 21st century. In 1995, Dr. Marcum was appointed president of the Council on Library Resources and president of the Commission on Preservation and Access. She oversaw the merger of these two organizations into the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR) in 1997 and served as president until August 2003. CLIR's mission is to identify the critical issues that affect the welfare and prospects of libraries and archives and the constituencies they serve, convene individuals and organizations in the best position to engage these issues and respond to them, and encourage institutions to work collaboratively to achieve and manage change. Dr. Marcum served as Director of Public Service and Collection Management at the Library of Congress from 1993-95. Before that she was the Dean of the School of Library and Information Science at The Catholic University of America. From 1980 to 1989, she was first a program officer and then vice president of the Council on Library Resources. Dr. Marcum holds a Ph.D. in American Studies, a master's degree in Library Science, and a bachelor's degree in English.